How to Use 2 Headphones on PC Like a Pro!

Are you looking for a way to get the most out of your audio experience when listening to music on your PC?

Then utilizing two headphones at once may be just what you need! While this setup might seem intimidating, it’s actually surprisingly easy.

In this blog post, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to use two headphones with your PC so you can begin enjoying higher-quality sound immediately!

What You’ll Need to Use 2 Headphones on PC

To get started, you’ll need to assemble the following items:

  • 2 headphones (wired or wireless).
  • A sound card with 3.5mm audio jacks. Note that if your PC doesn’t have a dedicated sound card, you can use a USB sound adapter instead.
  • An audio splitter cable or headphone amplifier for connecting the headphones.
  • You’ll also need an audio source (e.g., a music streaming service, MP3 files, etc.) to play sound through your headphones.

How to Use 2 Headphones on PC

The process for using two headphones with your PC is actually quite simple. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Connect two headphones to your PC via a splitter cable or headphone jack adapter.
  2. Open the sound settings menu and select the option to enable the use of two headphones.
  3. Adjust the volume on both headphones to your desired level.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll be ready to enjoy a higher-quality audio experience with two headphones!

Tips for Getting the Most out of your Dual Headphone Setup

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your dual headphone setup:

  • Make sure both headphones are compatible with your PC. Not all headphones will work with a PC, so check before purchasing!
  • Select a pair of high-quality headphones that provide good sound isolation and comfort. This will ensure you get the best possible audio experience.
  • If using the splitter cable, make sure both headphones are plugged in firmly. Otherwise, you could get static or distortion when playing audio.
  • Experiment with different headphone placements to find the best sound quality for your setup.
  • Consider investing in a dedicated headphone amplifier if you want to take your listening experience to the next level.

Pros and Cons of Using Two Headphones on PC

Using two headphones on your PC can be a great way to increase your audio quality and take advantage of stereo separation. However, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision:


  • Increases audio quality
  • Provides greater stereo separation for more immersive sound
  • Can improve sound accuracy for gaming or watching movies
  • Makes it easier to share audio with someone else


  • Requires additional hardware or accessories such as a headphone jack adapter or splitter cable
  • Can be more expensive than using a single pair of headphones
  • More difficult to transport due to the extra cables and accessories.

Recommendations for which type of equipment to use with your dual headphone setup

If you’re looking to get the most out of your dual headphone setup, it’s important to choose the right audio equipment. Here are some recommendations for which type of equipment to use:

  • An amplifier or DAC (digital-to-analog converter) will help boost sound quality and provide better stereo separation.
  • A splitter cable will let you connect two headphones to one audio output.
  • High-end headphones will help you take advantage of the increased sound quality that dual headphones can provide.
  • A noise-canceling headset can be useful if you need to block out background noise for gaming or other activities.
  • Volume control settings on your PC should also be adjusted accordingly so that you can adjust the audio levels between both headphones.

By taking into account these recommendations, you’ll be able to get the most out of your dual headphone setup and experience greater sound quality than ever before. With a little bit of research and preparation, you can take your audio game to the next level.


The key to a successful dual headphone setup is finding the right equipment and making sure it’s comfortable. With the right gear, you can take advantage of your headphones’ full sound quality potential and enjoy hours of audio bliss. So if you’re looking to upgrade your listening experience, investing in a good pair of dual headphones may be just what you need.


Can you use 2 headsets on PC?

Yes, you can. By using a splitter cable, you can connect 2 headsets to one audio output. You’ll also need an amplifier or DAC (digital-to-analog converter) for better sound quality and stereo separation.

Do all headphones work with a splitter cable?

No, not all headphones are compatible with a splitter cable. Make sure to check if the model of your choice is compatible before buying one.

How can I use two headsets on my PC without a splitter?

You can also use two headsets on your PC without a splitter cable. All you need to do is configure your audio settings on your PC and set the output to “Stereo Mix” so that both headphones receive the same signal. This method may not have the best sound quality, but it’s an easy way to get started if you don’t want to invest in a splitter cable.

How do I connect two headsets to one computer?

You can connect two headsets to one computer either with a splitter cable or by configuring your audio settings. With the former, you connect both headsets directly to the same audio output on your computer. With the latter, you configure your audio settings and set it to “Stereo Mix” so that both headphones receive the same signal. Whichever method you choose, make sure both headsets are compatible with your computer before connecting them.

How to use Bluetooth headphones and wired headphones at the same time Windows 11?

Using two headsets at the same time is possible on Windows 11. First, you’ll need to connect both headphones via Bluetooth or by using a splitter cable. Then, you’ll need to open up your audio settings and set the output to “Stereo Mix” so that both headphones can receive the same signal. After that, simply adjust your volume levels as needed and you’ll be able to use your Bluetooth headphones and wired headphones at the same time.

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